Tag Archives: Twitter

The Social Cleanse

Good Evening New World,

First off, I wanted to give out huge shout out to Alee, of Dynamic PR. I know this is late, and being as though I wanted to complete my “social cleanse”, I didn’t post, until my cleanse was over. She has awesome events, and this one was no exception. She was a sponsor for today’s “DMV Summer Jam 2K16”. For more information about this event or for her services, and trust me, for PR services, she is absolutely phenomenal, please contact her in the link below. The second event, is the Glamourina Launch Party and Cookout. The event is set for July 4th and you must register for the event. It is a free event, with a fashion show. FYI- I shot the promo images for the new line.😁 I will link this event, below the post.

Ok, so getting into the subject.

A social cleanse is when you just stop responding to the world. No text, email, and social media. The cleanse last for about two weeks. I turned my phone on “Do Not Disturb”, and logged off of all my social media accounts. I won’t lie, the first day was the hardest. After a few days, I began to “rediscover myself”, and my worth. I began to remind myself of what it was I wanted to do, was passionate about, and my migraines and body started to relax. I know it sounds crazy, but social media has this very stressful effect on us. It makes us, do the most in order to keep up with the Joneses, and that coupled with my home stress began to burn me out. I felt drained and depressed. I thought going on FB would make it better, and it only made it worse. So, in an impromptu decision, I decided to log off. 

So the total review on the cleanse. Honestly, it was what my body needed. I worked on software I hadn’t even used in years. I started volunteering with Archaeology In The Community (AITC), as a social media assistant. I felt unbelievable. I want to encourage anyone to do the same. If you feel like you’re beat down and depressed, please do it. You will begin to feel so much better. I started with the cleanse, and now, I am taking it one step further. As of Monday, I will only keep my artist page, with Facebook. I no longer want or need my personal page. I am not big on IG, Twitter, on LinkedIn, so those sites are fine. It’s just FB. This, for me, is helping me to reduce stress and I am so happy to do this. 

So, if you do it, or have done it, please tell me your experience. Feel free to leave it in the comments section, below.

Glamourina Launch Party & Cookout

Dynamic PR


My Shameless Promotion!

This gallery contains 6 photos.

Hello New World, Last week was once again, was another tied up week. Needless to say, that this upcoming week is going to be busy, but finally fun. The week is the “Bobbi Boss 2014 Live on Stage Tour” in … Continue reading